
Local Authority Fostering and Me

I’m Dwaine. I have been part of a ‘Foster family’ for 14 and half years. When it was first announced that my parents were going to become foster parents for the local authority, I was due to start a family of my own. In fact, the day my son was born, was the day my foster brother moved into my then family home.

I remember it like it was yesterday. My priorities had changed in the matter of a few hours, and to add to it, my family dynamic which I relied heavily on in the past, were being replaced with someone I had worries and uncertainties about.  


You hear horror stories, the dread of what can happen next – more so, I hope my child is safe entering my once home, and don’t miss out on the care and support my parents gave to me and my brothers growing up.

I spoke with my parents about my concerns, and got assured that the new addition to our family understood the situation, and basically wanted to be involved and cared for: just like my new born son.

At this stage in my life, I thought I was ready for the responsibility and change. The parental mindset I had achieved, was welcome to the change I had brought. But I wasn’t sure if this big of change was appreciated by me personally.

Through conversations with my support network the social workers who attended very regularly,

I began to look at the changes as an opportunity, where a new beginning could provide a sense of belonging for my new born son and my now foster sibling. 

The bedding in period was smoother than I anticipated. My foster brother became involved and wanted involvement with the new addition, he started to follow behaviours and patterns displayed from family members, which helped to provide a sense of belonging and dismissing the new addition title and a sense of belonging.

The relationship has gone strength to strength through the years that have passed. The support network that has been provided, has become natural and balanced as though the young man has always been in our family dynamics. We consider each other as brothers.

I am very proud of my foster sibling or I’d prefer to say…brother. Especially, what he has achieved by overcoming the barriers that presented. He has now moved into his own property, and studying at his local college.

I’d like to think likewise, where my family has become a better unit through fostering. It has supported me personally in my life and professionally in my career.

Foster for your local authority

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